If you’ve been following The Aspie Dialogues, welcome back. If you’re new, glad to meet you.
The past decade of your support has been amazing. Looking back on it all, I’m astounded it’s gotten this far. However, as times change, so too must The Aspie Dialogues. The past few years have seen a much-needed transition from “Autism Awareness” to “Neurodiversity.” I’ve noticed some other trends, too, and I’m planning to get more deeply involved.
I’m writing to you today to announce a rebirth of sorts for The Aspie Dialogues. Throughout the past decade, I’ve focused more on content creation (most of which petered out pretty quickly). To better align my priorities for the next decade and beyond, I’m going to shift my focus to educational research and activism toward what I’m calling “Neuro-Unity.”
I know it all sounds confusing now, but I promise it will make sense as I build up to my endgame. You can expect to see some major changes on the new site, but the one thing that will always stay the same is my commitment to all of you. ND or NT, red or blue (I prefer green, myself), I promise to continue my advocacy for the whole ASD community.
So, as I officially put the past decade of The Aspie Dialogues to rest, I welcome you to join me as I set out on the next era for the site: Neuro-Unity.
As always, may you find peace with yourself, within yourself.
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